Preventive Conservation

While restoration is concerned with cultural property, particularly the document, as a unique and precious object, preventive conservation can be applied to an object as well as to larger groups; collections of objects or books, archival funds, taking care of their environment. Its action can relate to the causes of degradation: preventive conservation or to the effects of degradation: curative conservation.

Definitions :

We can distinguish in the exercise of restoration 3 areas of action :

check Preventive conservation: It is an indirect action on the work that helps delay deterioration, prevent the risk of alteration, and create optimal conditions for preservation. It includes the principles of environment, packaging, transport, handling, storage and exhibition of works.

check Curative conservation: It is a direct action on the work to delay its deterioration, stabilize the deterioration, consolidate the material. This type of treatment includes treatments on the support: lining, treatment of flatness defects, adhesion, canvas gaps, tears, etc.

check Restoration: It is a direct action on the work to improve its reading.

My action:

Technician in preventive conservation and preservation of Cultural Heritage, i graduated in June 2014 from the Additional Maintenance of Heritage Collections at the Professional High School of Graphic Arts and Book Arts in Tolbiac. I work in the field of preventive and curative conservation of heritage collections and participate in collection projects (museums, libraries, archives).


  • Dusting by micro aspiration, eraser, brush, documents graphics and 3D objects
  • Packaging or repackaging of graphic works and 3D objects
  • Decennial harvesting (shooting, measurement, condition report, dust removal, marking, manipulation of works)
  • Discharge of collections
  • Filing and archiving, loan of documents
  • Transport of works of art
  • Storage in reserve and in store
  • Creation of plinths for exhibition
  • Exhibition assembly and disassembly
  • Stamping, Quotation, Bookmark setting
  • Restoration of Japanese paper bindings (back, jaws, hinge, head, tail)
  • Parchment cleaning with bracknell soap
  • Textile packaging
  • Health study

Professional experience

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Conservation Technician / Vacation

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development

Link Jan 2017
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Conservation Technician / Vacation

Archives of the Defense Historical Service - Workshop Filigrane

Link Fev 2016
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Conservation Technician / Vacation

Cujas Interuniversity Library

Link Oct 2015
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Conservation Technician / Vacation

Hauts de Seine Departmental Archives

Link Sep 2015
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Conservation Technician / Vacation

National Archives of Paris (Seals service)

Link Mar 2015
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Conservation Technician / Vacation

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development

Link Oct 2014
// last
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Collection worksites

Hermès (Cardboard, Storage)

Link Mar 2014
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Collection worksites

IHEAL (Institute of Higher Studies of Latin America)

Link Mar 2014
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Collection worksites

National Museum of Natural History (Dendrochronology and Cryptogamy)

Link Mar 2014
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Collection worksites

National Archeology Museum in Saint-Germain-en-Laye (Library and Reserve of 3D objects)

Link Dec 2013
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Collection worksites

French Institute of Architecture (IFA)

Link Dec 2013
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National Archives (Pierrefitte, Paris) / Conservation, restoration service

Link Mai 2014
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Historical Library of the City of Paris (BHVP) / Conservation Department

Link Jan 2014

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